Overcoming A Compromised Stairway
We talk a lot about the stairs because, well, they are important and can quite be dangerous to operate on or under during fires.
In a fire situation the engine company must ensure that the open interior stairway is protected.
They must keep this vital path in and out, up and down, open for those who need to use them.
Victims, searching firemen and fire spread will all be seeking this path.
It is critical that the stairs be protected from fire spread so that the victims and the firemen can get in our out, up or down and not be cut off by advancing fire.
Searching above the fire requires a level of trust in the engine company that can not be broken.
The truck firemen searching above must know that the engine company will protect the stairs for them and that they will be given notice if thigns aren’t going well.
Communications is critical when you have firemen searching off the line and above the fire. Command, the engine company and the truck company should all be on the same page.
Occasionally, the stairs are compromised prior to our arrival. That fact does not change our obligation or the tasks at hand.
We still must get above the fire and search for victims. They are depending on you.
There are basically three ways that this can occur, VES, breeching or going up the steps.
If you have an engine company pushing in but the steps are still compromised I’d suggest VES or breeching from an exposure (common in row house fires).
If you have an engine company that made a good hit on the stairs but they reamain structurally compromised, then I’d suggest getting a ladder in place over stairs to bridge the gap.
The size of the effected area and the amount of damage will dictate the size of the ladder that should be used.
In the past we’ve used the folding attic ladder, the straight ladder and an extention ladder.
Using the smaller ladders is quick but I’d cnsider overcompensate a little bit, as we don’t know who or how many will have to use this path in the near future.
A little coordination between the engine and truck will go a long way here to keep the steps protected and get the ladder in place efficiently. The engine does not typically expect the truck to be moving through the interior fire area with a ground ladder.
So let them know what your up to. Also let the second engine know as they will likely be advancing up the stairs.
This concept certainly isn’t ground breaking but it has proven quite useful for us during incidents where the stairs have been compromised.
When the interior stair becomes compromised firemen must quickly adapt and move to a different plan. VES, breeching and interior ladders can quickly get the crews back on track.
As the firefight play out, drywall, plaster and lath, insulation and other debris can quickly cover the stairs. Make sure you’re always sounding them as you go. This debris will easily mask a compromised stairway.
Stairs should constantly be reevaluated throughout an incident. Just because they were there when you were on them the first time, doesn’t mean they will be there the next time.
Getting a ground ladder in place on the stairs to bridge the compromised section (s) will provide a quick way to get an area that would otherwise be off limits back in the game.